Friday, January 28, 2011

Creative Webcam Live And Windows 7


Palestinian children, refugees in Syria, a lesson Judo on Christmas Day. For them, 25 December party is not Christian, and these lessons are nothing more than a pleasant novelty. But their teacher, an Italian 44, but waived the cake and the crib to move in a refugee camp - the Al Hol, northeast Syria, in 12 hours by train from Damascus - The Christmas period.
He does as a volunteer for the NGO Terre des Hommes in the field that offers psychological and medical assistance. Gianluigi Hall, Monza is a computer scientist working as a freelancer. But it is mainly a teacher of judo. In these days of celebration, left behind his parents and his girlfriend ("I'm sorry but understand"), Gianluigi is located at Al Hol camp that houses Palestinian refugees come from ' Iraq. The volunteers 'Christmas' has gone from about two weeks, and its mission, to teach judo to children of the village, will last about a month.

"Trying to practice judo in a refugee camp - the man says - is a challenge to those who live in discomfort. An idea that did not make me sleep before leaving." "In my classes - says the volunteer - involved around 40 children, divided into groups for males and females, thereby respecting their culture. I am struck by their enthusiasm. They have a great desire to have fun, to find a alternative way to spend the day which is usually monotonous. I found people very polite, any kind of aggression, no particular difference with the kids I know in Italy. "But why did judo in a refugee camp?" This martial art - the teacher says - allows the management and control of 'aggression. During combat, the body of the companion is never abandoned, even when it falls. In situations of distress, how can it be a conflict, judo has an objective motor but also processing of the forms of aggression, anger not recorded. It 'important to understand and feel that violence does not pay. In judo it is said: 'better use of energy ".
It 's the monotony of the field that affects Gianluigi: "the expectation is that all the refugees were down. The families also waiting for years to have the assignment to a host country, giving them the opportunity to a new life.
A hope that is common to all human beings and that in latita, remains suspended as in a limbo. It 's a situation that mainly affects children. I have known such a boy, Omar , passed from one field to another: you entered at 17, now has 22. I am a witness to this constant hope, lived trying not to let go. The only comfort is religion. As they say here, 'Inshallah', 'will be what God wants'. "

I nsieme other humanitarian workers with young people and children - highlights Gianluigi - "also play football, here is the most popular, basketball, frisbee. All activities received more positive. My satisfaction is seeing these young people enjoying themselves as I enjoy it too. "

Guido Colombo
Press Versus

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

How To Clean The Dual Lens Goggles

JUDO and AIKIDO many similarities

Judo Kata This is a work of genius by Jigoro Kano. With the 'Itsutsu No Kata, Jigoro Kano Shihan, he wanted to represent the five elements of nature, the same elements that O Sensei as a way to take the full training dell'aikidoka: Kota the "solid", the Jute "soft body", the Ryutai "body fluid", the Ekitai "body fluid" and finally the Kitai "body gases"

The Kata techniques that have no name, Kano Shihan died before being able to assign one, so they are listed in numerical form. The video below shows the famous Judoka Kyuzo Mifune, 10th Dan, at the age of almost 80 years, as interpreted dell'ITSUTSU NO KATA.

The first technique is the solid element, the Kota Aikido. Uke is a solid body, like a tree trunk, Tori brings his hand to Uke's chest and begins the disruption of the swing by pushing with the thumb and little finger, this oscillation disturbs the balance of that Uke steps back, the its rigidity does not allow him to keep pace with the rapid oscillation of the hand of Bulls and falls stiffly, like an old trunk and drive.

The second technique is the compliance, the Juta Aikido. Uke attacks Tori's abdomen with the hand cutting, like a knife. Tori does not resist, but gave way to action by exploiting the direction of attack in projecting Uke same direction.

The third technique is its fluidity, Ryutai Aikido. Tori and Uke are two heron taking flight, enter into a vortex that will bring the fall of Uke.

The fourth technique is water Ekitai Aikido, the liquid state. Tori and Uke are on opposite sides. Tori Uke approaching from below and rises before him like a wave that breaks in the surf, and returning to the sea sweep away everything.

The fifth technique is the impetus, the penetration and energy in a vacuum, the Irimi, and Kitai Aikido. Tori and Uke are two birds of prey that are launched toward each other, Tori suddenly disappears, it becomes air, and Uke plunges to its own momentum.

Simply wonderful.

Mifune for his fluid movements has often been compared to O Sensei. When M. Ueshiba performed in front of Jigoro Kano, who at that time was minister of physical education in Japan, Aikido and saw for the first time, Kano said "... This is my ideal Budo ..." O Sensei and asked to accept his best students Judo Why learn those wonderful principles.

Among these students were Kenji Tomita (9th Dan in Judo and 8th Dan Aikido), the proponent of the famous Kodokan Judo Kata Goshin Jutsu (pictured together with Ueshiba after a bath relaxation), and Kyuzo Mifune (10 th Dan Judo - Portrait above) but was not accepted by O Sensei. It would seem that, but it is not proven, O Sensei was concerned that Mifune carpisse its secrets. More plausible, however, is the version that was Mifune not accept, simply because he was already getting on in years.
There is no doubt of the similarity of smooth movement between the two. Look at these Mifune Randori and its small student and you will understand:

This contains a number of techniques with weapons

"I am grateful to my parents for giving me a slender body, and I had to practice twice as hard to beat those who were with me, and my technique has become very effective. I am also grateful for the wounds I received, because I learned how to skillfully use the undamaged parts of the body. "
Kyuzo Mifune (1883-1965)

Voxzone X100p Pinouts

Today, Aikido is used for several purposes, there are a lot of styles. There are those who practice it as a system of self-defense, some as an exercise-philosophical, some as a harmonizing like to dance, some as a creative art, some as an martial art ... each with their own reasons. I'm a fan of martial arts, so I try to practice following the principles of Aikido.

As for me I try to understand, through the practice of Aikido, as will the conflicting forces and negative energies which aim to destabilize me. How to avoid and how to control them without damage.

These energies, both positive and negative, attract each other constantly in the world and the universe, are Ki seeking stability. Any natural force that breaks, earthquakes to hurricanes, is a phenomenon that responds to a situation of instability. Nature in its course and is always trying to re-establish, in its manifestations, it does so through the disaster. After that ... the absolute calm.

I think Aikido in its martial, can really make you understand cause and effect of these forces. The actions must be fluid, but must be studied in their devastation. Much more violent attack, the more energy you unleash devastating, and then ... calm.

The Aikido I need to understand, not to fight. The fighting, Randori, I need to understand and improve, not to defeat.

Aikido is a belief
I try to practice Aikido as a creed, as a continual search: like a prayer. I fear that making a creative way to find a new "formulas" of well-being and peace with others, where I can have my freedom of artistic expression, I walk away from the original Street.

I like to practice Aikido O Sensei, but unfortunately it ended with him in his grave. His disciples founded new currents, the students of O Sensei's disciples have made styles. O Sensei, a great scholar, sought to open minds. They are the ones who came after have called barriers, build walls, create rules, chaining again what O Sensei had opened to all.

however left us with the principles in the form of codes. I can only discover them.

A right way to improve the practice of Aikido.
How do you now recognize a true Aikido? Today Shihan many contend the offspring of the true Aikido. I am convinced that the best is, therefore, a constant practice in research (sometimes these great teachers confuse us).

not always an expert is also a good teacher.
I would like to clarify that, in my view, the expert is not always a good teacher. In the martial arts in general there have been cases of excellent teachers who were not great fighters and great fighters that have not been able to express themselves in teaching.

The expert is one who knows every secret of art, but not always able to transmit it. The Master is one who knows how to convey his experiences. The Grandmaster is a bit 'more: it is he who has created the students experienced. O Sensei was an expert and a good teacher, which is rare.

However, even the expert is not the beat, indeed. The real expert is someone who has experienced victories and defeats and knows these mechanisms. This expert has the credentials to teach.

Become expert
Sometimes the analogies are useful.
Many inventions have reached a greater development than others for war needs. These inventions were later transformed and adapted to everyday life. A little 'as was the case with the martial arts, that arts of war (Jutsu) have become avenues for the understanding and consequent improvement of staff (Do) .

The invention of the airplane is an example.

Shortly after his arrival on the scene was taken for war purposes during the Great War of 1915-18. Since then, drivers have increasingly improved flying techniques, making them more effective for non-military use.
There are several similarities between the flight and Aikido, especially with regard to the glider, where the pilot uses air power to remain airborne.

With a hang-glider or a good pilot is flying a long time, have the capacity to maximize the energy of the current benign. The more his leadership will be more relaxed and fluid fail to keep flying. But with a strong wind ...? the pilot must be an expert. If the wind exceeds certain limits, the pilot must be truly experienced.

Of course, if the wind becomes violent, with quick changes of direction, then the glider, though with a good driver is likely to fall. A plane with a powerful engine will be able to fly even in the midst of a storm, always with an experienced pilot. To cope a hurricane's powerful supersonic jets may have problems.

The man has his limits, which are often resolved by the instrumentation technology, but the real man's abilities are evident in the absence of instrumentation.

Aikido is not intended to improve the half, but the person.

Wanting to make a fair comparison between flight and Aikido, we must consider the glider, with a minimum of technological equipment, where the medium, slender, is guided by the sensitivity and skill of the pilot. Where Uke (our partner) is the wind, weather and energy to exploit.

Who starts to fly, learn, must have a favorable wind, practicing until you manage to master the medium. A lot of this is enough, depends on expectations, age, courage ... are content to fly only in good weather with favorable winds. Will never become expert pilots, they just go out only with good weather, and if a strong wind takes them by surprise may not fly anymore. Those who have higher expectations, who wants to enter the real flight, with a little 'courage, will also come with winds less favorable, negative energies. V oglio understand their limitations, they want to live the entire flight, they want to blend in with the events, not fight them, not dominate them, but join with the wind. If they want to become an expert should not fly a plane better, but face the most adverse conditions.

Even in Aikido, to become experts, and understand how to use their energies and make or join those of others, one must delve into difficulties. This is not to perform more complicated techniques, but finding a good technical and tactical attacks against increasingly determined, by taking more and more strong. Being able to channel a very great force.

And, finally, have the patience to move slowly, step by step starting from Hon Ki (energy basis), by Dan Kai Tekkini (step by step), practicing alternating Go no Keiko (training hard, with the power) with no Geiko Ju ( training in compliance) ... then go to Ki no Nagare (Energy channeled) and ' Awase (harmonization) and, perhaps, get to Ryu (the inexhaustible source) ... not to assume that easy it is to dominate a large negative force.

Note: I used the term positive and negative energies is not as good and bad, but as an opposition. A tidal wave (tsunami) that breaks can be seen as a negative event. For the Japanese, who saw themselves threatened by the massive fleet of Kublai Khan in 1281, and was completely destroyed by a powerful tsunami, called each other this wind Kamikaze (divine wind), this seen as positive energy.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Old Lady Maxine Images Exercise

DO ME AND AIKIDO - The Way of Aiki

In his book "The Tao of Physics" by Fritjof Capra, physicist and scientist, illustrates the Eastern mystical thought is incredibly close to the point that modern physics, he says, some treaties might be mistaken for works of Eastern mystics, and vice versa.

One of the key points of this agreement between Eastern philosophy and modern physics is in the universal vision: "the universe lives and moves through a system of energies that feed off each other utilizing the forces that result harmonization in the surrounding environment continues. "

The way to view and apply things in the Far East are closely linked to this intuition and also Morihei Ueshiba was influenced, and it is on this basis that O Sensei (M. Ueshiba) was packed Aikido.

To practice has left us with reading codes, related to physical science, and only those who apply will be able to really understand. Three symbols: "Shikaku" square, "Maru" and circle "Sankaku triangle that relate to the five states of the material transformation," Kota "solid body", "Jute" the body soft, malleable, "Ryutai" the body fluid, "Ekitai" the body fluid, "Kitai" the gaseous state.

To analyze these codes O Sensei developed techniques "clean from any use of physical force "to be applied using Harmonisation (AI) energy (KI).

In practice there are various systems of two opposing trends: one is practical and conceptual and is based on the simulation, the other is practical and effective and is based on close to reality. As usual, between these two extremes, there are an infinite number of variations, which over the years has generated many styles.

The first way, practical and conceptual, it is less difficult but leads to a result for the more theoretical, it acts only on the surface and generally the results are always satisfactory. You train with partners condescending, who suffer without reaction, the harmonization between partners exists now, the search goes in the direction of the synchronism of the movements, a bit 'as it is between two dancers. It can also be a good way to start or play without much effort, conscious of the fact that this system will not lead to high levels practical. Thanks to this consensual participation of the partners, already with the rank of 1st Dan (sometimes even before), it is able to perform movements in a Randori (move, grasp the chaos of the action: Ran Dori = chaos = grasp, run) reasonably easy, but clearly unrealistic with regard to their effectiveness.

The other system, practical and effective, it is more difficult, arduous, longer to acquire, but acts in depth and the results have always suffered. You try pushing the implementation of the principles, with appropriate reactions from the partner, in increasingly difficult conditions, where harmonization is not granted, the practitioner research that harmonization with a partner who does not harmonize, And indeed ... 'a system, to a certain level, to really deepen their skills according to reactions and contrasts research harmonization with forces of violence and the practice leads to higher levels. The Randori can go to the edge of combat (O Sensei has made many). Only after reaching the rank of 3rd Dan we are just starting to have some good result of harmonization.

E 'possible to train with both systems, whereas the degree attained, age, attitudes, what is for the type of training ... but having a clear purpose for each of the methods used in practice .

Towards the end of his life, O Sensei expressed his wish that his art was the 'Art of Peace . This one's will is sometimes interpreted as a waiver of the fight.

I think that whoever does not fight injustice will never be freedom and peace.
Those who fight injustice with media essays seeks peace, but must fight it with maximum efficiency and determination.
Who fights' injustice by unfair means, not proportionate to the offense, raging and looking for revenge, fuels the fighting.

aikido techniques and strategy should aim, wherever possible, not to harm. At the same time must be given in full effect, designed to ensure the devastation in their salvation in the extreme, brutal but never implemented.

An ancient principle of Eastern wisdom says
"Choosing to be different is that it should be.
Pacific who is having the means to do evil, choose the good.
Who has the ability to do harm will never declare truly peaceful. "

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Monopoly Mega Edition Rules

IJF World Masters 2011. FLOP ITALY. In the USA Judo

They finish the IJF World Masters 2011 in Baku (Aze), and Italy must take stock of Judo. The race, in its second year, is reserved for the top 16 athletes of the World Ranking List and the Blues had only five athletes who have the right to participate in this edition. Elio Verde (60kg), Lorenzo Bagnoli (90kg) and Erica Barbieri (70 kg) are presented to the appeal, Giulia Quintavalle and waive Antonio Ciano (?).

Well none of the three blue managed to win the first match of the tournament Italy relegated to last place in the medals (Also exceeded by Luxembourg, which took a 5th place). What, for a national who is preparing for the Olympic Games of London 2012 is not an encouraging result.
Italy Judo, unfortunately he has for some time, athletes and great Judoka were as Gamba and Mariani, who have won over time and have confirmed their abilities.
We had it in recent years as athletes Maddaloni but was unable to repeat the exploit of Sydney 2000 worldwide and Quintavalle after the gold in Beijing is back to being the eternal fifth. The official website of
Fijlkam not explain why the lump sum and Cyan Quintavalle and the defeats they write " The blue Bagnoli Lorenzo Barbieri and Erica were defeated, respectively by Tiago Camilo (BRA) in 90 kg and Kerstin Thiele (GER) in 70 kg . " is defeated, but at the first meeting and titles of Elio Verde , " among the top 16 Green does not approach the podium," but in fact losing the first two yuko to meet with Georgian Amiran Papinashvili, the podium has not seen even from afar.
would be better for the federation, look at the reality of today's Italian Judo and take the necessary countermeasures. The Russian National Judo is coached by a certain Ezio Gamba, he was definitely the strongest Italian Judoka of all time. That the little face back at home!

These are all the top places in each category.

Results Women

-48 kg ASAMI Haruna (JPN)
-52 kg Misato NAKAMURA (JPN)
-57 kg Telma MONTEIRO (POR)
-63 kg Gevrise adopted (FRA)
-70 kg DeCosse Lucie (FRA) -78 kg
Xiuli YANG (CHN)
+78 kg Megumi TACHIMOTO (JPN)

Results But

-60 kg Rishod SOBIROV (UZB)
-66 kg HASHBAATAR Tsagaanbaatar (MGL)
- 73 kg Ki-Chun WANG (KOR)
-81 kg Elnur MAMMADLI (Aze)
-90 kg Elkhan MAMMADOV (Aze)
-100 kg SAMOYLOVICH Sergey (RUS)
100 kg Teddy Riner (FRA)

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Good news for the best Judoka U.S., which this year will receive a monthly stipend according to their performance in the world.
In fact, the U.S. Olympic Committee, decided that, to allow top athletes to train in peace, without the worry of work, rate, auto insurance, etc ... to bestow a month. The neo World Champion, Kayla Harrison will receive a monthly allowance of $ 700. To award medals in the World Cup Travis Stevens and Nik will Delpopolo $ 600 per month. For other athletes will be $ 500, but not all. Based on the scores made at international meetings will have more monthly payments ranging from 500 to $ 2,000, so the world champion Harrison will have a total of $ 2,700 per month.
The USA Judo Director of Athlete Performance Eddie Lydda, are you satisfied with his time and remember that the benefits were very limited.
certainly compared to samples of other sports that they receive is small, but for the world of Judo is good news to know that people are beginning to recognize the efforts and commitment of those who want to live in Judo and Judo.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Tattoo On The Genitles

Palillo Gold European Savior ... In the door. De Ashi Barai

the ippon victory
To Judo is not age, but while many prefer to slow down when they get in the door, or do Kata teach, others can not stop fighting, to give everything on the mat, to dream. Salvatore Palillo, class '67, Judoka Siciliano, is one of them is in October, Porec, won the European gold in the 66kg M3. wanted to ask him some questions.

the cry of gold - Hello Salvatore. Thank you for availability. ... 43 years to fight and win. How does it feel?

Salvatore Palillo - So my favorite thing is to fight to the best of myself. I hate the idea of \u200b\u200bbringing the inside of me regrets. Regrets of the type: I could do more ', I could give more,' I could push harder .... and so 'on. I love the generosity, give everything you have inside, and if possible, even more '. The victory is just the final act. I'd rather lose with a very strong athlete, rather than win with a mediocre.

tj - on your Facebook profile says "I may not be 'NEVER a true champion, but certainly I feel like an athlete.". but after the European victory have not changed my mind?

SP - I have always aimed won the "status" rather than the athlete sample. The reason is obvious: you can sample a year or two, but it is always a temporary condition. Instead, if we are true athletes, it is forever. Of course, one meaning for the athlete which does not spare himself never work, always accepts the comparison is fair, respectful, passionate, etc. ..
The victory served to Europeans is to know I have done a good job and I did well during the competition. I felt more 'proud when I hit the silver in 2009, when I faced the semifinal and final despite a broken ankle (quarter ...).

tj - A a "certain age" many prefer the couch and TV. What makes you try again?

SP - I have not the time to sit on the couch (which is why my sofa yet again after 13 years .....). I love shamelessly comparison, I like to try and try, see if I can .. and I like the sweat from his forehead down, I feel like the mat under my bare feet, I like to have a goal, a goal. I like to always improve.

tj - What is Judo for you?

SP - I have loved so much and I love judo. It 'was my real school of life. If I became a good geologist, a good father and good husband, I also have to judo. This is because it has taught me basic values \u200b\u200bbut at the same time, blocks of life, namely: commitment, honesty, loyalty, respect ...

tj - What are your next projects? Will you be the World Cup in Egypt?

SP - P artecipero 'the World Cup in Egypt. I begun work in this direction. hopefully good ...

tj - Family, work ... how and how much do you train?

SP - I always say that I train to train ... In fact stealing (5-6 times a week) I have to steal time with the family and work . Why the harbor by car always shoes and overalls, as well, including a commitment to another, do I run the race, or go to the gym to do weights. Ultimately divide about 6 weeks in the sessions, divided as follows: 2 stroke, 2 weight and / or reinforcement; judo 2.

tj - Can you give us an account of the meeting of the European final?

SP - Porec The final was exciting. I faced a Russian who had beaten me (choke) in Budapest during the World Cup 2010. Certainly a very strong athlete and I would say, more 'good for me technically. I bet all about rhythm and movement trying to tire him. In this way, I launched the decisive attack when I noticed that he was tired: Ippon!

tj - Is there anything you would change in the regulations of Judo?

SP - I think the latest changes to the Regulation have been positive. Make some changes to make the competition more understandable to the layman (in particular the allocation of scores and penalties). If the judo would be more understood by the public, it would probably be even more loved.

tj - As you can see in Judo in Italy at this time. Do you think that enjoys good health?

SP - Italian Judo I believe is in a transition phase. After the old guard (Maddaloni, Bianchessi, Meloni, Scapin, and others) expect the new recruits. I love green, I can do medal at the Olympics (at least I hope so ..).
I think Judo still has so many niches where they can take root. We should know more about it '(if you know you love it). In this sense we must all work more ': Fed, technicians, companies, individual athletes.

tj - ... and if there were the Olympics Master?

SP - As for the Olympics have touched my master "weakness" has always been the dream of my life (unfortunately never realized. ..) It would be how to achieve a dream (after that of having a child).

Salvatore ... Thank you again after the World Cup.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Getting Shiny Pokemon With A Nugget


NAGE = Throw, projection
WAZA = Technique

The NAGE WAZA includes all the techniques of launch:

SHIH NAGE launch / screening in four directions
IRIM NAGE launch / screening entering (entering the body)
KOSHI NAGE launch / screening hip
KOTE gaeshi reversal wrist
Kokyu NAGE launch / screening respiratory
Juji NAGE launch / screening crossing
KAITEN NAGE launch / screening turning
AIKI Otoshi precipitated by combining the energy
TENCE NAGE launch / land sky projection

29 Hardtail Or Full Suspention


KATAME = control
WAZA = Technique

The KATAME WAZA includes all the techniques of control:

NIKY first law second law third law
yonkyo fourth principle
GOKYO fifth principle
ROKKYO sixth principle

All technical Katame Waza are performed OMOTO (front, positive form) and URA (behind the negative form), except for Gokyo that runs only in the form Ura.

yokomen Uchi Ura Waza Dai Gokyo

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Signs Of Stroke In Dogs


katate DORI TAI NO HENKE represents the basic model of all the techniques Ura .
Tai no Henko (called Tai Tai or even no Tenkan no Henka) is a technique designed to immobilize or launch partner, is simply to leave the line of attack by controlling its stability and that of their partner. Warning: simple does not mean easy .

O Sensei practiced and practiced every day this movement was at his dojo in Iwama. This first exercise immediately directs us to the study of the centrality and body rotation.

Preparatory exercises:

Kaiten ashi
Tenkan ashi
Irimi tenkan ashi

Already from this first year we begin the study of the basic concepts of transformation: solid ( KOTA ), yielding ( JUTE ), Medium ( RYUTAI-EKITAI ), gas ( KITA).

In the evolution of the implementation of traditional Aikido KOTA and JUTE use is made of form HON KI (energy base), the form Ki No Nagare JUTE starts and reaches its maximum expression in Kita.

The HON KI (energy base) helps us to reach the 'inner harmonization, with ourselves, we focus on our movements, our stability. You can not expect to achieve harmonization with a partner when you have reached one of its own. Uke holds tight, but adequate to the technical level of Tori, so that these, slowly, studies the mechanisms, directions ... to exit the line of attack.

The Ki No Nagare (energy current) helps us to achieve 'external harmonization, with the partner, the focus in the union to control the stability of energy force that flows from it. Uke forward to grasp and, depending on the level, we study how to capture the energy and direct it, as the water current.

Form Ki Hon
Form Ki no Nagare


lesson Morihiro Saito Shihan on Tai no Henko

lesson of Maestro Fausto De Compadre on Tai no Henko

Ki No Nagare
Lesson of the Master W. Baumgartner on Tai no Henko

An application of Tai no Henko

Monday, January 3, 2011

White Mucus From Cat's Butt?

JO SUBUR NIJUPPON - the 20 movements with the stick

Morihiro Saito Shihan demonstrates the 20 suburi

Jo = stick = suburi movements / exercises, nijuppon = twenty core (= 20 juni consists of fundamental and Hon = (H P becomes when following a word) I

suburi Jo is 20 and is divided into five groups:

TSUKI GOHON (the five basic strokes)
1. Chaku TSUKI (direct blow)
2. Kaeshi TSUKI (hit reply)
3. USHIRO TSUKI (blow back)
4. TSUKI Gedan gaeshi (shot with low response)
5. TSUKI Jodan gaeshi UCHI (shot with high response in slash)

UCHI KOMI GOHON (the five basic slashes)
6. SHOMEN Uchikomi (blow from the center of the head)
7. Renzoku Uchikomi (slash in succession)
8. MEN UCHI Gedan gaeshi (blow on the head with low response)
9. MEN UCHI USHIRO TSUKI (blow to the head blow back)
10. Gyaku YOKOMEN UCHI USHIRO TSUKI (shot with high response in slash)

katate SANBON (the three coups)
11. katate Gedan gaeshi (coup-back bass)
12. katate TOMA UCHI (blow away with one hand)
13. katate HACH NO JI gaeshi (Reversal eight inverted cross with his hand)

HASSI gaeshi GOHON (five responses in a tight angle)
14. HASSI gaeshi UCHI (reply from a tight angle with slash)
15. HASSI gaeshi TSUKI (response from a tight angle shot)
16. HASSI gaeshi USHIRO TSUKI (answer back with shot from a tight angle)
17. HASSI gaeshi USHIRO UCHI (reply with blow back from a tight angle)
18. HASSI gaeshi USHIRO BARA (sweeping response from a tight angle)

Nagare gaeshi NIHON (two Rovesti current)
19. Hidari Nagare gaeshi UCHI (reverse current left with slash)
20. Migi Nagare gaeshi TSUKI (reverse current with direct hit right)

What Do I Want My Muscle Percentage To Be



Recipe For Making Sopressata

ten staff fighting

I KIMI JO are 10
the first five without screening while 60 to 10 provide for the fall
The names of 10 battles follow the logic of numerical
Ichi no Kumi Jo - First battle
Ni no Kumi Jo - Second battle
San no Kumi Jo - Third battle
Yon no Kumi Jo - Fourth combat
Go-no-Kumi Jo - Fifth combat
Roku no Kumi Jo - Sixth combat
Shichi no Kumi Jo - Seventh combat
Hachi no Kumi Jo - Eighth combat
Ku no Kumi Jo - Ninth combat
Jiu no Kumi Jo - Tenth combat

KUMI JO 6-10

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Congratulation To Pregnant


The basic exercises with the bokken (wooden sword) are seven

KEN SUBUR NANAHON seven years with the sword
ICHI NO SUBUR - first year
NI NO SUBUR - second year
SAN NO SUBUR - third year
YON NO SUBUR - fourth year
GO NO SUBUR - fifth year
NO ROKU SUBUR - the sixth year
Shichi NO SUBUR - seventh year

Graph 1

In this first graph we see the lines of loading and slash 'no Ichi Suburi
A) loading the bokken
B) hacks in the suburi
The lines are very similar
Graph 2

In this second graph we see the weight line is used by UCHI TACHI slash (the one who sticks) in Kumi Tachi (sword fighting)

Graph 3

In the third graph we see the weight line is used in blow to hit Kumi Tachi:
A) TACHI UCHI (red) charge for hitting long, UKE TACHI (blue - the one who defends himself ) position to parry.
B) Tachi Uchi (red) moves forward and strikes yokomen, Uke and controls Tachi para