Psychic energy and multiple identities. The inner forces of those who practice martial arts and combat sports.
awareness of who we really are
© Article prepared by the author, with modifications, from the book "The Human Potential" by Daniele Trevisani, Franco Angeli Editore, Milan. Detail of the original volume are also available at the link - This article may be copied and reproduced on websites authorized, upon request to the author, provided it is the quote as follows: Article in Edited by Daniele Trevisani, - No changes to the text.
If the martial arts and ring sports have some value, this value must be sought in their ability to give a strong personal identity, a feeling rooted in the strong warriors researchers "and bring this attitude with him into life, with humility, a spirit of curiosity and learning.
This strong anchor will remain valid at any age, any physical condition, in every moment of life. Become a safe haven to retreat to in difficult times, a place to regenerate. It will be the solid foundation on which to build buildings of our lives, be good friends, good fathers and mothers, and good parents one day, and always good people.
When this value will be entered in the minds of our students, then and only then, we can say we have succeeded.
take an athlete or any practitioner of martial arts and combat sports. Let's look at its available energies. Soon discover that we can identify the person is a certain level of physical energies, that a degree of mental energy. We then
4 macrotipi participant or practitioner:
Extremely positive and negative extremes
- physically strong, mentally strong : optimal state. A practitioner who has the fact of his body a laboratory for development, building a solid physical basis, year after year (speed, strength, flexibility, coordination). Consider an ally to feed the mind, has crafted a character able to raise it after the fall of course, not live events (eg races) with anxiety but with love and as an opportunity for discovery. She loves every second of intense exercise, helps others. Vive the sacredness of his time, not arrogant, and does not consider itself never arrived, always ready to learn something new, this comparison as an opportunity for growth and not as a challenge. Practice different styles felt first and foremost a scientist, has their own preferences but has never identified a single discipline so blind, as it tries to connect to a higher energy level. He knows martial arts and combat sports can be a bridge to higher energies of this plan, and I respect them for this their sacred
- physically weak, mentally weak : has physical problems that tend to look insurmountable, no commitment , consider each failure a demonstration of his inability, is inconstant. Search the martial arts or sports ring only techniques to compensate for his weakness, tricks to be applied, and therefore falls victim to the charlatans who deceive themselves. Having a weak personal identity, just a sparring with someone technically superior make him want to leave. His only hope is to find a teacher who does not treat him as a loser and prepare a path of gradual discovery of its potential and help him with great progression to move forward.
Member intermediate
- physically weak, mentally strong : it has great potential physical, or has not yet developed, but it is constant, has a positive lifestyle, respectful of the rules is, by its preparation, knows how to work in the long run, accepts a loss, falls and rises again. With work on a physical and a proper coaching, he most likely to develop very high levels.
- physically strong, mentally weak : it has enormous physical potential, but a mind not yet prepared. Most likely the first difficulty strikes, or leaves, is not constant in training, tends to distract, not even he knows what he wants. If it is an agonist, its performance will be extremely variable, you can win or lose badly with great superiority by the same opponent, only to change his psychological condition.
psychic energies also support the physical preparation. Athletes with great potential physical, not psychic energies are powerful as a locomotive without fuel.
This fact leads us to move our attention on the front of grounding (grounding) mental energies, the solid grounding of motivation and will.
to terms with its identity: the multiple roles
The self-image pose the problem of 'identity , the profound meaning of "who and what we are." When you feel part of a community of other people who love what they do, much less see the differences between the styles and you'll see a lot more common passion that unites everyone. Trying to learn from everyone. Your identity will cease to identify a single discipline (eg, "boxer", "karate" "Kickboxer" etc.) and become one of the wanderer and warrior-scientist who studies every art and loves every discipline for what they can teach him.
psychology and sociology, and illustrate the presence of the "multiplicity of systems belonging to the social actors, multiple identities, the phenomenon in which different identities and roles are simultaneously present in the individual himself, and often are in conflict for management of resources (time, money, attention). For example, a certain evening, I could have "active" role of the seducer and the identity of "player" and "off" the role of an athlete or student. The two identities in conflict. Only a great maturity can lead the person to give a strategy not to put to the background the role of participant or practitioner, and maybe decide to meet with those who want to after training.
different identities can coexist (sometimes only apparently), but normally in conflict. For example, the identity of the father can take leave before the job or not take a new job (because they are already saturated), while the professional identity based on stereotypes of managers omnipotent, super-efficient, requires a new assignment should be absolutely accepted and sought after, you do not miss the chance. To choose well and quickly we need to know exactly who we are.
pursue ambitious goals in the professional career path and can go in the rise in conflict with the ambition to be a good father or mother. Divide good "about us" at different times of day, and to respect the boundaries between the different roles of personal, social and professional ability is not taken for granted. Each
have energy and time limits, and can lead to conflict between different identities. The inner questions are constants, such as: focus on career or family (and if both, with that balance)? Devote the next evening to friends or to my own intellectual (Read)? Giving space adventurer or pantofolaio in the next holiday? Going to the gym or stay at home?
Every time there is a choice, hidden identities emerge.
able to make a synthesis between the different identities and roles, do not break up, find a personal centering, it is essential
[1] .
Identity and mindfulness
Until you are "done deal" with their own multiple-conscious and sought a balance between the multiple identities simultaneously present in each of us, it is difficult to find an inner harmony and there will be conflicts permanent internal (dissonance cognitive).
These internal dissonance will lead you to think 'I'm here but I should be there "at all times: they are here at the beach with the family (parental identity) but should be ; there to dedicate myself to that plan of work (professional identity), but I also read a book (intellectual identity), and so on. Internal conflicts are not resolved and absorb energy.
These identity conflicts literally undermine the perception of time ( time perception ), destroy the living "healthy" time, are unable to live out the moment in which we live, with a constant feeling "is getting me something important."
to overcome and training necessary to apply a "border culture" in which the subject learns to create mental barriers between the work (not to be confused with the clumsy attempt to say "stop thinking"), through a real restructuring cognitive personal time.
The problem of identity is also about role-fitting ball (literally: adaptation in the role): to hear the role as his own, feel suited to the role, fell well in the role, be "a full role in" or "forced by the role." Seize fully the role ( empowerment) is often difficult.
In some rare cases there will be a miracle: people who, for a certain period of life can match their passion with a profession. Example: a volleyball player or a professional footballer, a dancer or ballerina practicing the activity as a profession but also a passion, an artist or painter who love art, a leader who loves professional challenges, a doctor who likes to take care of a trainer or teacher who really love to teach and transmit.
This coincidence of professional identities and passions is not the norm. And when it happens is not permanent.
A volleyball player may be to live with a coach that is not very nice. An artist or painter may have to maintain a family and having to produce paintings or works not only for art but also to buy shoes for their children. A leader can suddenly find themselves with the company he works for bankrupt or purchased by an international group, and - if things go well - to accept a lesser position, or be fired. A doctor may also need to cure an incurable disease, or to handle cases stronger its capacity or in areas of demotivating.
Dilemma "fight or flight" raises questions: can you afford to leave? You have money put aside to live life? Experience of income? You've got legacy? Can you produce and live with passion even in the midst of trouble or in imperfect environments?
Learning to find the mental energy to live outside of an ideal world is a skill useful in every person and every performer. This capability is Psychoenergetic the ability to support and imperfections ability to adapt to hostile environments , a world to live in nature and in bad situations lacking that these gaps do not succumb to the forces and the will. Living in the impossibility of perfection is a new art.
We said, however, that it is important to follow a dream, so the ability to adjust capacity are appreciable, but even more it is to understand when it's time to change and find the courage to do so.
The overall analysis of the factors of identity and role allows you to break down large parts of existential unease. Coaching can then remove the expectations on themselves that they can not really be reached. You can replace them with something challenging but viable and healthy.
may also support the processes useful to find a strong balance and to set new goals to reach with their own resources, are consistent with a principle of reality, cleansed of illusion and models presented by the mass media and the expectations of others.
The coach can and should facilitate the individual's commitment to their education, regardless of whether the results will be achieved or not, and to restructure the concept of learning from a necessary evil pleasure of discovery.
Principle 1 - Identity, roles and mental energy
mental energies are related to the ability to: recognize the different
- roles played, and eliminating the kinds of internal competition for available energy, with an increase of a culture of the boundaries between roles;
- understand how to allocate time and energy in the different roles played in a certain time of life, mentally disconnect from a role ( es. working) before entering a different role (eg parent); avoid dragging and confusion of roles;
- understand priorities and know how to give without regret to claims of omnipotence and the desire of "wanting to be anywhere" or " wanting to be in too many roles, ability to calm and conscious renunciation, without regret;
- harmonization of multiple self-identities in a healthy, consistent, without internal discord between the roles, anchored in sound principles;
- enjoy and savor the experience of time spent in a role and related activities without wanting to be together in a different role and activities, and competitors (increase of mindfulness);
- cleaning Mental wrong expectations on himself, regarding the roles proposed by the media and dominant culture, and the search for an identity more true.
About the author: Dr.
. Daniele Trevisani, Fulbright Scholar, an expert in the Human Potential Psychology, coach and trainer at - and Director of - Awarded by the U.S. government Fulbright Prize for Communication Studies and Psychology, and Master of Arts in Mass Communication at University of Florida and among the world's leading experts in development of human potential. In the field of martial
and sports trainer is certified Italian Fitness Federation, practitioner of over 10 different disciplines, Master of Kickboxing, Sensei (8th Dan DaoShi ® Bushido), trainer of athletes and trainers Kumite, Muay Thai, Kickboxing and MMA . It 'was the agonist in the U.S. Open Karate interstyle trophies.
He has made more than 10 lectures in Italian and foreign universities, and is one of the leading Italian expert on human potential in research and training.
[1] Go paid tribute to the admirable work in this area by Roberto Assagioli on this subject has produced a number of contributions. The very meaning of the method he created, Psychosynthesis, has a similar meaning to what we are proposing here. See Assagioli, R. (1973),
Principles and methods of Psychosynthesis therapeutic , Astrolabe, Rome; Assagioli, R. (1977),
The act of will, Astrolabe, Rome; Assagioli R. (1999),
Psychosynthesis: the harmony of life , Astrolabe, Rome.