"A hair dryer for the coach." A coach Laforgia little libidinous forces did not fail to make us the Cacchioli after a game literally thrown in the toilet, to use a courtly circumlocution. Indeed, the coach's youngest League (closer to age but Guardiola Ventura Goduria) announces minicontestazione only to the captain, guilty of a mistake on the first goal Marchiano opponent.
course the storm did not help a team that makes up the midfield in his weapon in more technical. But here we are talking about the second defeat of the season. This time the game is facilitated by the last alchemy dell'Antoniano tactics of the close of Panama: the bull Pre. My mom as we are without strong opponents, plans failed to perfection, one-two shots and you do not ever see regulations for all 60 minutes.
course, the flood begins just before the kick-off. Ready-off and we are now masters of the field, benefiting from the changing tactical defense with 3 or more and then push the proposal process. The defense package + Luca Tod Blinda the opponent's attack in midfield and a Bobo last day in the test solution by all staff positions, but only by remedying a great right cross. But the result was not taken down and the first time slips away in clean sheets. In the second half
bang: first the captain in midfield before attempting an improbable, unlikely, not so much for the advance as to the accuracy of the intervention, and 0-1 shooting from outside. They spend a few minutes and soapy slips a ball under the legs of happiness: if we were we would use the subtle expression of Bari abused by Cassano "This is not to Mamta acchiut facenn with the legs." But Felix is \u200b\u200bthe first mistake in the league, on that pitch it is.
The problem is that mentally broke and the ball does not want to get to know, bangs over their rivals, the doors, poles, sull'esosfera, our stubbornness: in short, everywhere except where it should beat. As long as Adrian is the Starting right on the edge and beat the goalkeeper with a shot low, you want to see that after 45 minutes and 2 well taken goals we realized that this field pays more than the shot low to the ground?
We do not have time to bullies for this sagacious discovery, that Joe almost flawless so far is the most sinful thing possible: stuffing the ball to the opponent, handing him the tray the convenient pull 3-1.
Even the final assault, with Special One Laforgia imitating Mourinho threw in that field all the guns, at least serves to make the result less bitter. At the final whistle the highest concern of all is, but the coach will be able to keep documents dry?

(intervention Felice)
HAPPY 6: It is true, that mistake had an impact especially on the head of his. But in the first half saves the result a couple of times, and in the final with a leap cat avoids the collapse of 1-4. Too quiet, should control the defense with authority but it seems to take dall'apocundrìa. MELANCHOLY
ELIO 5.5: Captain's course should I take the responsibility of the advance wrong, even failure, in the action of the first goal. Until then, a very good game, better agreement with the defense and midfield. Overly punished by coach for a single episode, the second time on the bench Bomber persuaded not to flee home. Call an opponent's card arrives. URP
VINCENT 6: with Captain divides the reproaches of Mister attempts to advance to midfield. But does not share the pain of the protagonist in the negative, then reaches enough. Sorry that this time could be justified by the slippery surface does not cross anyone. GOVERNED
BEPPE 6.5: not wrong, and this field can already be considered enough. We need people with balls and he kindly offers his case for Peroni. It might hurt a corner at the end of the first half, but the only one he is likely to get hurt, overwhelmed dall'aggraziato movement Bibi. ROCK
LUCA CAL 6.5: what goes in the center begins to take the ball all the way, head, foot, thigh, knee. Then try an offensive sortie which removes the last traces of oxygen, in fact calling for change. Indent to give thrust to the useless and actively participates in the final assault. JOHN GUERRIERO
6 here is one who shares with me an error. But her first time close to perfection, does not miss a ball neither support nor in closing. Confused by the shift in midfield to start shooting, begins to fail (that much haha \u200b\u200bjoke) to become assistman otherwise. Brittle
LUCA TOD 7: skyfo man of the match. Heart and soul, he worked in the dual task of double hinge between defense and midfield and between midfield and attack. Despite the water, one of the few that controls Always the ball. The referee takes it unfairly targeted but he does not lose the peace: it locks out laughing on the bench with the attempt by the Bomber midfield. DONATI
Gianpasquale 5.5: where is the pit bull that had rocked the whole way to the airport Centocelle? Where is the bulldog biting the ankles of their opponents to the consciences of fellow? Perhaps haunted by the thought of the cost of beer for his graduation party, play hide and seek: a little proactive, very incisive. Half a vote less because it insinuates that the company snatch the money to pay for travel expenses: maybe cost 10 €! LIBEL
BOBO 6.5: the first time as a true leader, plays an untold amount of balls and is always tricky in the area shot. Traversa trembling after a huge right, sometimes out of nothing. Falls disproportionately in the second half, more than anything else seems Scazzi or depressed. Unaided, he repeatedly turns the wrong way when they call. ADRIAN MOLE MEN
6.5: the first time you do not understand where he plays: he does not understand, do not understand the comrades, it would be useful to know whether the coach at least it comes to his head. Change in the recovery, although not by the idea of \u200b\u200bbeing in on the action: he is, however, find the goals and guiding the boarding of illusion in the most dangerous plots. A spectacular reverse that almost turns into assists. Genius and recklessness
BOMBER LATTANZIO 6: not really get a ball that is playable one. Should start from further back, but the only time he does try to score the Mascara (or Sunday if you can remember what marked the Bombonera Ostiense last year): obviously the first reaction of the bench is the usual excess of hilarity. In the second half gave the example, going to press and fellow-jock (the copyright is her) control if the shoes are still good. WRESTLERS
MISTER LaForge 6.5: has the virtue, humility, and the lust for change tactics. Under the new scheme we are masters of the field, but maybe this time does not handle the change very clearly. As wisely said in dopopartita Bomber (and is the first to be brought into question), if the team plays well you have to change as little as possible, and never mind if someone plays in less than 2 minutes. However, if we do not capitalize that guilt has him? Stoic in keeping documents dry. The protagonist is absolutely funny to Genoa, between a bitter and walking shots of Vermentino is the time to improvise pitcher choirs in Piazza delle Erbe. Lust, and then double JERRY CALA '
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