The Kata techniques that have no name, Kano Shihan died before being able to assign one, so they are listed in numerical form. The video below shows the famous Judoka Kyuzo Mifune, 10th Dan, at the age of almost 80 years, as interpreted dell'ITSUTSU NO KATA.
The first technique is the solid element, the Kota Aikido. Uke is a solid body, like a tree trunk, Tori brings his hand to Uke's chest and begins the disruption of the swing by pushing with the thumb and little finger, this oscillation disturbs the balance of that Uke steps back, the its rigidity does not allow him to keep pace with the rapid oscillation of the hand of Bulls and falls stiffly, like an old trunk and drive.
The second technique is the compliance, the Juta Aikido. Uke attacks Tori's abdomen with the hand cutting, like a knife. Tori does not resist, but gave way to action by exploiting the direction of attack in projecting Uke same direction.
The third technique is its fluidity, Ryutai Aikido. Tori and Uke are two heron taking flight, enter into a vortex that will bring the fall of Uke.
The fourth technique is water Ekitai Aikido, the liquid state. Tori and Uke are on opposite sides. Tori Uke approaching from below and rises before him like a wave that breaks in the surf, and returning to the sea sweep away everything.
The fifth technique is the impetus, the penetration and energy in a vacuum, the Irimi, and Kitai Aikido. Tori and Uke are two birds of prey that are launched toward each other, Tori suddenly disappears, it becomes air, and Uke plunges to its own momentum.
Simply wonderful.
Mifune for his fluid movements has often been compared to O Sensei. When M. Ueshiba performed in front of Jigoro Kano, who at that time was minister of physical education in Japan, Aikido and saw for the first time, Kano said "... This is my ideal Budo ..." O Sensei and asked to accept his best students Judo Why learn those wonderful principles.
Among these students were Kenji Tomita (9th Dan in Judo and 8th Dan Aikido), the proponent of the famous Kodokan Judo Kata Goshin Jutsu (pictured together with Ueshiba after a bath relaxation), and Kyuzo Mifune (10 th Dan Judo - Portrait above) but was not accepted by O Sensei. It would seem that, but it is not proven, O Sensei was concerned that Mifune carpisse its secrets. More plausible, however, is the version that was Mifune not accept, simply because he was already getting on in years.
Among these students were Kenji Tomita (9th Dan in Judo and 8th Dan Aikido), the proponent of the famous Kodokan Judo Kata Goshin Jutsu (pictured together with Ueshiba after a bath relaxation), and Kyuzo Mifune (10 th Dan Judo - Portrait above) but was not accepted by O Sensei. It would seem that, but it is not proven, O Sensei was concerned that Mifune carpisse its secrets. More plausible, however, is the version that was Mifune not accept, simply because he was already getting on in years.
There is no doubt of the similarity of smooth movement between the two. Look at these Mifune Randori and its small student and you will understand:
This contains a number of techniques with weapons
"I am grateful to my parents for giving me a slender body, and I had to practice twice as hard to beat those who were with me, and my technique has become very effective. I am also grateful for the wounds I received, because I learned how to skillfully use the undamaged parts of the body. "Kyuzo Mifune (1883-1965)
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