Wednesday, March 16, 2011

What Kind Of Headphones Does Ovechkin Use


The Randori
( Ran dori = chaos = take) is a type of practice (Keiko ) necessary for the improvement in the performance of dynamic techniques, it is an exercise to seize the opportunities that the partner offers performing the appropriate techniques, and can also become a self-test to assess the level reached in the spontaneous application of the techniques of Aikido .

For learning we can divide the training Randori in various levels of difficulty, adjusting to grade, age, gender of the practitioners. The Randori can go only to those who has reached a good technical grade, to high levels of difficulty, but should never be conceived as a comparison. In this case we speak of fighting that fact, in sports derived from martial arts, you define the term Shiai (试 合), join in the spirit of confrontation.

In the learning phase it is customary to simplify the difficult things to make them accessible to all.
If the target is too small enough to enlarge, then hit everyone. This mode of operation is commonly used in the learning stages of all activities of life, but in the world then the operating difficulties are real. We

be aware that those who practice Randori Mr. Nice Guy with a partner, can improve the shape, but not likely to improve in efficiency.

Training forms (kata and waza) in various applications ( Kihon, Ki no Nagare Awase ... ) provides the practitioner with the correct technique and how to run it effectively, but not efficiently. The
Randori makes efficient practitioner, and the more it will be if the basic shapes have been learned in efficacy. However, in actual application, beyond the study of the form of technical efficiency can solve problems effectiveness.

As I have said the practice of randori in ' Aikido should be an application of technical training opportunities offered by the attacks of the partner. But, generally, is almost always interpreted as a kind of performance.
In Embukai (demonstrations) and Randori demonstration can reach high levels

These performances are of considerable effect, due to considerable technical skills, but always show it, in order to show, with recipients in the giving and receiving. Anyway nothing to say on the effectiveness and efficiency of the Masters Tissi, Toutain and Flouquet.

The Randori , however, should not be reduced solely to the exhibition.
I have ever assisted in the ' Aikido, Randori a with the same characteristics of the practice of Judo traditional, this type of training is, unfortunately, almost totally disappeared even in the practice of Judo modern, completely replaced by Shiai also in training in the Dojo .

I refer to a type of practice where the Randori is not intended as a display or the application of techniques for moving it as a form of confrontation, but as a technical dialogue where both are active as performers and recipients and falls or landing can take place only under certain conditions: if the technique and really effective because its construction was well done: to exploit the opportunity, the right cause imbalance, exclude the use of force (which causes stiffness and reaction partner). In carrying out this type of practice, no doubt, you reach higher levels. In the movie

Judo that will understand the difference between the concept of Shiai Randori and, as regards the Judo same. In the first part, introductory, we see the true spirit of combat Judo , the Shiai , where an athlete is not trying to assert itself on the antagonism only to defeat him, but the real victory by applying a clean technique. Very different from modern combat where victory for the company's prestige, the team or the nation, has become more important principle.
course, the movie, is a type of combat more ... chivalrous.

Also in the movie then follows the practice of Randori under the supervision of Master Kyuzo Mifune . The Judoka move and carry techniques, attack and defend them diligently, do not yield easily, but they do not even opposition. Accepted for fall only if the technique is performed particularly well and with some effectiveness.
Then the movie continues with demonstrations of techniques.
the course 'is different from Aikido Judo not clings to perform the techniques. The technique must be done in the context of an attack that starts and ends up being circumvented, and Tori, rarely grabs Keikogi partner. In randori of Aikido, one of the partners should stick with proper control, the other to defend themselves and respond with a technique, if you are unable to apply patience Uke should not go to the ground force. Everything should be done with honesty.

If of Aikido randori were interpreted as a system partner to land the starting positions, adapted to Judo, he would become a form of judo players.
In this movie, where the great Maestro Tohei is challenged by a journalist who practice Judo, if not expert, it is clear, however, the similarity of attitudes with the battle of Judo. It is noted that the agreement between the two was an adaptation to combat judo players. Tohei among other things, implements principles of imbalance only (does levers, are excluded atemi), so it is in traditional Judo. In any case, the attitude is not that of Randori, but rather to a Shiai .

should also be considered that the costume, the Keikogi , fits a lot more to Judo. Aikido can be practiced in T-shirt (or shirtless) without much difficulty (these may relate to the attacker), keeping intact all the techniques. For Judo would be different, many techniques would be difficult to implement.

In contrast, when my colleagues observe certain types of Judo Randori of Aikido, manifest perplexity. Uke falls always, each technique is always successful, sometimes with a simple push. Many times, this way you do, make representations, and not only in the eyes of experienced martial artists, false and not credible.
If there is no reason to play, which may partly justify the beauty of form at the expense of substance (though I believe that the efficient and controlled movement always nice), this type of randori becomes an end in itself, and if presented in the exhibition as a martial art can lead to the conclusion the 'Aikido ridiculous. You can deceive the public but not practicing martial.

The Randori is definitely the fight of purity. This does not mean that there should be no conflict, Nor does it mean to get a comparison of technical, but a form of construction of technical dialogue.

In words seems easy, but it is not. But is it easy ' Aikido?

In Stage, seminars and gatherings Aikido I have never seen taking up the subject of randori , how to set it as progress. There is no comprehensive education on this topic. Everyone gets by as he can. Everyone interprets it as he wishes.

Like many, I try to find ways to begin to Randori my students.
I think clarifying and assessing the roles of both a good start. In normal practice
Tori is one who performs, Uke is the one who suffers. Tori is good, always wins, Uke takes them.

Let's see them in another way, the student is Tori, Uke is the master.

look like a boxer's training: the sample ( Tori ) is the student's partner (Uke ) and usually the same coach (the coach) that can offer opportunities, create situations, sometimes responds when the boxer is wrong and it turns out, not wanting to overwhelm his pupil. So

Uke becomes a figure as important as, if not more than that of Tori . It eliminated all forms of abuse. Practitioners become a team, unit, who works for the betterment of everyone.

The problem with many aikido is to consider their art (Aikido) higher than the other disciplines and with a priori presumption discard any reference to other activities, but I think that, with due consideration and experience, you will be able to assess what is useful or unnecessary in the other disciplines.


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