Tuesday, November 23, 2010

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Excellence vs. Perfection - the acceptance of imperfection, the fight against boredom and mediocrity. Gwenda

Boredom, routine, dynamism, passion, obsession: 5 work areas for those who live arts martial and combat sports

© Article prepared by the author, with modifications, from the book "The Human Potential" by Daniele Trevisani, Franco Angeli Editore, Milan. Detail of the original volume are also available at the link www.studiotrevisani.it/hpm2 - This article may be copied and reproduced on websites authorized, upon request to the author, provided it is the quote as follows: Article by Daniel Trevisani, www.studiotrevisani.it - are not allowed changes to the text.

Different plans work for people who really love martial arts and combat sports
Who takes care of performance is often led to confuse two different levels of performance: perfection excellence.
an excellent performance and one that offers significant contributions to those who should benefit, while a perfect performance is often self-referential, maddeningly overloaded and forced attention, even in the details in which no one may charge a fee higher or more real benefits.
True excellence is measured by the true value of the product or not in gauges snob.
The performer can not be corrupted by the pursuit of perfection but must be stimulated by the pursuit of excellence. This is a subtle but important difference.
Perfectionism and excellence are different attitudes. Perfectionism absorbs energy in a manic beyond the level at which a contribution becomes significant. Consume energy unnecessarily.
activities seekers of perfection is never finished, never finished, never perfect, there's always a reason not to supplement or not to be pleased with himself.
excellence requires that the energies where contributions are invested effects, and to the level where an improvement is real, perceptible, with a sense of good value creator, and no further.
Perfectionism does not increase the success of people, is a state of mania. The success is determined by the talent, energy, commitment, not from perfectionism or stubbornness to unnecessary detail. The success is in spite perfectionism, not because of it. As Greenspon highlights [1] , perfectionism is a kind of sickness:

"Perfectionism is not to do their best, or search for excellence. It is an emotional conviction that perfection is the only way to accept staff. It is the emotional conviction that only perfect one is finally being accepted as a person. "

An effective coaching will help the customer or team to identify the correct assessment thresholds in their activities and avoid the poor performance is that those with manic attention unnecessary.

five work areas at any

training or any form of work and practice we can observe several "modes of action" which then become the long run, "ways of being." I have isolated, for simplification, five different stages:

- Work Zone

In summary
  • Workout after workout, if you dominate boredom and mediocrity, arrive to empty energy practitioners.
  • Workout after workout, where it dominates the routine and do not place any changes in teaching, we will not ever drivers for change, and people rightly look outside.
  • training, after training, if you research the quality and dynamism, leading people to have fun and passion.
  • Workout after workout, if we focus on the factors leading to quality in every stage (as a heating, as an exercise, the stretching quality, quality, sharp, quality of sparring, etc ...) and apply pure passion, will results in huge out who is ready, while to be discovered who is quite simply a time waster.
  • Workout after workout, if you obsessively massacred people on executive detail perhaps losing sight of their psychology and motivation, if we look at the position of the little finger is to miss the whole person and the richness of his repertoire as a whole, we'll take to leave. This is not what we want. Few, very few and far between, the athletes with whom maniacal search for perfection, and will last for a short time anyway.

Locate being located where the various activities of the individual or team in this scale, is crucial. Specifically, find the difference between perfectionism and excellence is particularly important in vain HPM method, given the presence of the cell "micro-skills", which stimulates its own to go in search of important details to work on. It - remember - is not to be confused with manic Placing an obsession and on the surface.
One of the basic functions of the coaching and training consultancy is just helping people to understand what areas you should invest and what to do instead is useless now, or not worth the level reached in what is already good enough .
People can not, alone, most of the time, to perceive themselves with clarity, to fully secure their own purposes, much less to develop or achieve optimal performance. There is a blanket of fog that obscures the vision of ourselves and our real goals. Looking beyond is not easy, and also a challenge, by definition, is not simple.
coaching, training, consulting, Mastery, the guidance of a master, are areas of strong support relationship, which - when done with passion and professionalism - are working on to support an individual or a team or entire organization to help to perceive correctly, unaided blurred, to set real goals and make a clean sweep of false targets or misleading assumptions, evolve and move towards new challenges, growth, progression. Why the sense of man is this: the research.
Compared to HPM model variables, each can be viewed as an area of \u200b\u200bgrowth in areas with known and met, and others to conquer and explore.
The question becomes whether go on, but as . The fact that we go on to become a fundamental attitude, willpower constant.
final conviction and reflection: excellence is not only technical matters. Excellence is achieved when you believe in something.
The pure in heart, and those who work for a cause, things are almost always excellent, as you bring passion.
technique and training can only help us to transform the purity of heart and will into real projects, tangible and useful.

Living, to be pure in heart, and die
To make our immortal spirit. Gustavo Adolfo Rol

About the author: Dr.

. Daniele Trevisani, Fulbright Scholar, consultant in corporate training and coaching in www.studiotrevisani.it - www.studiotrevisani.com - awarded by the U.S. government Fulbright Prize for Communication Studies and Psychology, and Master of Arts in Mass Communication at the University of Florida, and between the world's leading experts in development of human potential.

In the field of martial arts and sports, is the Italian Federation of Certified Fitness trainer, practitioner of over 10 different disciplines, Master of Kickboxing, Sensei (8th Dan DaoShi ® Bushido), trainer of athletes and trainers Kumite, Muay Thai, Kickboxing and MMA. It 'was the agonist in the U.S. Open Karate interstyle trophies.

He has made more than 10 lectures in Italian and foreign universities, and is one of the leading Italian expert on human potential in research and training.

[1] Greenspon, T. (2008), The Courage to Be Imperfect: Tom Greenspon on Perfectionism , Northwestern University, Center for Talent Development.


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