Saturday, March 5, 2011

Can You Take Mucinex Nyquil


am not opposed to the styles, I favor, I'm not opposed to competition, either for, what I write is just my own observation.

Morihei Ueshiba was a fighter. There are many anecdotes about this attitude. Why then so stubbornly fighting against?

I state that I absolutely agree, even with my past and judoka agonist, with those who say that Aikido is not "contaminated" from competitions, because there is already a true competitive spirit greatly from the many masters of Aikido, and between the various associations.

Nevertheless, I think the comparison, non-competitive, an effective way to improve.

The various arguments have appeared in the web I noticed two substantive justified and at the same time questionable motives who want to deny the players Aikido:
the first is the certainty of a distortion of Aikido
the second, the fear of developing too much of the individual ego.

For the first argument I completely agree, as was the case for Judo, many techniques have disappeared because dangerous. Martial art is the exact opposite: in sport if the technique is dangerous rises while for the martial art intended as a warrior, the more dangerous, more must be applied.

Aikido, which is not expected to affect the adversary, of vital importance is the control, using devastating techniques without bringing in a dangerous manner. But before we get to a control action in a real fight, several Uke no longer have the opportunity to practice.

aspects of competitive considerations
By the second statement is not entirely agree.

I have often heard the criticism of modern Judo, with absolute right, because many judoka have pursued mainly aimed at winning the competitive aspect, feeding self-centeredness and egotism, as I read somewhere (although I have seen more self-centeredness and egotism in some high degree of Aikido).

Some of the good athletes in judo, with whom I fought, and those of other disciplines that I attended, I always found great humility and mutual respect, not to defeat facing each other, but to see if their technique went in the right direction, victory or defeat was its consequence.

Undoubtedly there who wants to prevail at all costs by force or taking advantage of the rules, but in most cases are short-lived, over the leave everything racing period.

I am equally convinced that the comparison is a balance ego, not a power: the shy and insecure athlete may realize that after all is not worse than his opponent than he thought, the more aggressive and arrogant athlete who realizes there are better athletes than he.

am firmly opposed to those who promote the total removal of the ego, does not make sense in our lives, but I agree with those who promote its balance.

The danger of not comparing
the other hand I have heard criticism of the practitioners of Aikido for their lack of real comparison, for their research very refined, sometimes too philosophical, theoretical. Do not want to compete with other practitioners of Aikido. I do not speak of a competitive type of comparison, if Aikido was transformed into a competitive sport would, most likely, a bad copy of Judo, I speak of a constructive and a technical point of view of that principle.

work without comparison may mislead, conceal, mystify and subject: it can increase the egos of those who practice it, convinced of its boundless capacity to the point to be considered so clever as to be unbeatable, or his technique has achieved such high sophistication "to invent new styles."

I get the impression that the ego is not fed by the "healthy debate" but competitive activity from unhealthy form of "power" that comes when you realize their "capacity compelling" and likely to lead with charisma, with awe: when there is at the center of attention without allowing comparisons. When you understand how easy it is to upset the spontaneous or promote the artifice.

so I would say that even the non-competitive spirit helps to feed the ego.

I think, in this sense, the steps are easy high levels that are the most dangerous athletic activity, if the candidate does not deserve it.

I met also with senior Aikido, good teachers, who still learn from their students that demand and challenge, enhancing increasingly, are not precursors of new styles like many others have done by attaching to an infinity of non-technical arguments (perhaps because the technique does not know it) to bring their little credible Aikido.

There were also great characters who have created good current, other than technical and strategic conceived of Aikido as a martial art. Methods of practice that have lost their tactical and technical-martial to promote new experiences rather than technical-sensitive practices for the pure physical exercise, but none of these is Aikido current total, if it can be a part of. Jigoro Kano himself has introduced in exercises such as Judo Ju No Kata (forms of gentleness) with stylized movements so that the technique of Judo becomes unrecognizable, it is designed as a gym, but undoubtedly develop that sense of surrender and also useful dell'assecondare techniques of combat, but it is a part of judo, Judo is not total.

The teacher must be clear when he proposes these types of practice, this would not it is Aikido, but a system that derives . .


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