Wednesday, March 2, 2011

The Goodie Box Condom

katate (katate Sanbon)

In the previous blog dedicated to ' HACH NO JI gaeshi I talked about the uniqueness of this suburi.
In particular, I tried to find the link between the Kanji Hachi (eight in Japanese), and execution of movement.

In this new work I will try to highlight the link between the group of suburi the katate SANBON, which is part of the suburi already discussed.

katate SANBON (the three key strokes with the hand) =
katate with one hand (literally hand-shaped)
San = three
Bon (Hon) *= Fundamental Basic Japanese
* H becomes B (Hara-bara), as K becomes G (Kaeshi-gaeshi) in compound nouns

katate Gedan gaeshi (reply from bottom with one hand )
As you can see, the line drawn from the jth bottom-up diagonal:
katate Toma Uchi (shot with his hand from a distance)
The line drawn from the jth is the diagonal from top to bottom:

Bringing the two graphs:
we connect the points of arrival and departure of the two and get the suburi Hachi no ji gaeshi:

Front View:
and here

katate Hachi No Ji gaeshi (cross-shaped response of eight with one hand)


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