Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Voxzone X100p Pinouts

Today, Aikido is used for several purposes, there are a lot of styles. There are those who practice it as a system of self-defense, some as an exercise-philosophical, some as a harmonizing like to dance, some as a creative art, some as an martial art ... each with their own reasons. I'm a fan of martial arts, so I try to practice following the principles of Aikido.

As for me I try to understand, through the practice of Aikido, as will the conflicting forces and negative energies which aim to destabilize me. How to avoid and how to control them without damage.

These energies, both positive and negative, attract each other constantly in the world and the universe, are Ki seeking stability. Any natural force that breaks, earthquakes to hurricanes, is a phenomenon that responds to a situation of instability. Nature in its course and is always trying to re-establish, in its manifestations, it does so through the disaster. After that ... the absolute calm.

I think Aikido in its martial, can really make you understand cause and effect of these forces. The actions must be fluid, but must be studied in their devastation. Much more violent attack, the more energy you unleash devastating, and then ... calm.

The Aikido I need to understand, not to fight. The fighting, Randori, I need to understand and improve, not to defeat.

Aikido is a belief
I try to practice Aikido as a creed, as a continual search: like a prayer. I fear that making a creative way to find a new "formulas" of well-being and peace with others, where I can have my freedom of artistic expression, I walk away from the original Street.

I like to practice Aikido O Sensei, but unfortunately it ended with him in his grave. His disciples founded new currents, the students of O Sensei's disciples have made styles. O Sensei, a great scholar, sought to open minds. They are the ones who came after have called barriers, build walls, create rules, chaining again what O Sensei had opened to all.

however left us with the principles in the form of codes. I can only discover them.

A right way to improve the practice of Aikido.
How do you now recognize a true Aikido? Today Shihan many contend the offspring of the true Aikido. I am convinced that the best is, therefore, a constant practice in research (sometimes these great teachers confuse us).

not always an expert is also a good teacher.
I would like to clarify that, in my view, the expert is not always a good teacher. In the martial arts in general there have been cases of excellent teachers who were not great fighters and great fighters that have not been able to express themselves in teaching.

The expert is one who knows every secret of art, but not always able to transmit it. The Master is one who knows how to convey his experiences. The Grandmaster is a bit 'more: it is he who has created the students experienced. O Sensei was an expert and a good teacher, which is rare.

However, even the expert is not the beat, indeed. The real expert is someone who has experienced victories and defeats and knows these mechanisms. This expert has the credentials to teach.

Become expert
Sometimes the analogies are useful.
Many inventions have reached a greater development than others for war needs. These inventions were later transformed and adapted to everyday life. A little 'as was the case with the martial arts, that arts of war (Jutsu) have become avenues for the understanding and consequent improvement of staff (Do) .

The invention of the airplane is an example.

Shortly after his arrival on the scene was taken for war purposes during the Great War of 1915-18. Since then, drivers have increasingly improved flying techniques, making them more effective for non-military use.
There are several similarities between the flight and Aikido, especially with regard to the glider, where the pilot uses air power to remain airborne.

With a hang-glider or a good pilot is flying a long time, have the capacity to maximize the energy of the current benign. The more his leadership will be more relaxed and fluid fail to keep flying. But with a strong wind ...? the pilot must be an expert. If the wind exceeds certain limits, the pilot must be truly experienced.

Of course, if the wind becomes violent, with quick changes of direction, then the glider, though with a good driver is likely to fall. A plane with a powerful engine will be able to fly even in the midst of a storm, always with an experienced pilot. To cope a hurricane's powerful supersonic jets may have problems.

The man has his limits, which are often resolved by the instrumentation technology, but the real man's abilities are evident in the absence of instrumentation.

Aikido is not intended to improve the half, but the person.

Wanting to make a fair comparison between flight and Aikido, we must consider the glider, with a minimum of technological equipment, where the medium, slender, is guided by the sensitivity and skill of the pilot. Where Uke (our partner) is the wind, weather and energy to exploit.

Who starts to fly, learn, must have a favorable wind, practicing until you manage to master the medium. A lot of this is enough, depends on expectations, age, courage ... are content to fly only in good weather with favorable winds. Will never become expert pilots, they just go out only with good weather, and if a strong wind takes them by surprise may not fly anymore. Those who have higher expectations, who wants to enter the real flight, with a little 'courage, will also come with winds less favorable, negative energies. V oglio understand their limitations, they want to live the entire flight, they want to blend in with the events, not fight them, not dominate them, but join with the wind. If they want to become an expert should not fly a plane better, but face the most adverse conditions.

Even in Aikido, to become experts, and understand how to use their energies and make or join those of others, one must delve into difficulties. This is not to perform more complicated techniques, but finding a good technical and tactical attacks against increasingly determined, by taking more and more strong. Being able to channel a very great force.

And, finally, have the patience to move slowly, step by step starting from Hon Ki (energy basis), by Dan Kai Tekkini (step by step), practicing alternating Go no Keiko (training hard, with the power) with no Geiko Ju ( training in compliance) ... then go to Ki no Nagare (Energy channeled) and ' Awase (harmonization) and, perhaps, get to Ryu (the inexhaustible source) ... not to assume that easy it is to dominate a large negative force.

Note: I used the term positive and negative energies is not as good and bad, but as an opposition. A tidal wave (tsunami) that breaks can be seen as a negative event. For the Japanese, who saw themselves threatened by the massive fleet of Kublai Khan in 1281, and was completely destroyed by a powerful tsunami, called each other this wind Kamikaze (divine wind), this seen as positive energy.


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