Monday, January 3, 2011

White Mucus From Cat's Butt?

JO SUBUR NIJUPPON - the 20 movements with the stick

Morihiro Saito Shihan demonstrates the 20 suburi

Jo = stick = suburi movements / exercises, nijuppon = twenty core (= 20 juni consists of fundamental and Hon = (H P becomes when following a word) I

suburi Jo is 20 and is divided into five groups:

TSUKI GOHON (the five basic strokes)
1. Chaku TSUKI (direct blow)
2. Kaeshi TSUKI (hit reply)
3. USHIRO TSUKI (blow back)
4. TSUKI Gedan gaeshi (shot with low response)
5. TSUKI Jodan gaeshi UCHI (shot with high response in slash)

UCHI KOMI GOHON (the five basic slashes)
6. SHOMEN Uchikomi (blow from the center of the head)
7. Renzoku Uchikomi (slash in succession)
8. MEN UCHI Gedan gaeshi (blow on the head with low response)
9. MEN UCHI USHIRO TSUKI (blow to the head blow back)
10. Gyaku YOKOMEN UCHI USHIRO TSUKI (shot with high response in slash)

katate SANBON (the three coups)
11. katate Gedan gaeshi (coup-back bass)
12. katate TOMA UCHI (blow away with one hand)
13. katate HACH NO JI gaeshi (Reversal eight inverted cross with his hand)

HASSI gaeshi GOHON (five responses in a tight angle)
14. HASSI gaeshi UCHI (reply from a tight angle with slash)
15. HASSI gaeshi TSUKI (response from a tight angle shot)
16. HASSI gaeshi USHIRO TSUKI (answer back with shot from a tight angle)
17. HASSI gaeshi USHIRO UCHI (reply with blow back from a tight angle)
18. HASSI gaeshi USHIRO BARA (sweeping response from a tight angle)

Nagare gaeshi NIHON (two Rovesti current)
19. Hidari Nagare gaeshi UCHI (reverse current left with slash)
20. Migi Nagare gaeshi TSUKI (reverse current with direct hit right)


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